Science Across Scales: KIFN Collaborative Awards

A major focus of the KIFN is to support novel, fundamental scientific discovery that spans scales of analysis from atomic resolution imaging to brain-wide interrogation of neural circuitry underlying complex animal behavior. Collaborative Awards are intended to provide substantive seed funding to promote new research collaborations across institutes and institutions within KIFN. A priority is to fund collaborative science that includes investigators from UCSF and the National Laboratories – the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Embedded in the award making process is attendance at an annual KIFN retreat during which potential investigators present novel research ideas, new technologies and unmet needs, an event termed “Proposer’s Day”.  


Proposer’s Day 2024: April 30th

Proposal Due Date 2024: September 1st


Applications are restricted to KIFN member laboratories 

For 2024 RFA or questions please contact Julia Liebowitz


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