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Cadherin-13 Maintains Retinotectal Synapses via Transneuronal Interactions

Abstract: Maintaining precise synaptic contacts between neuronal partners is critical to ensure the proper functioning of the mammalian central nervous system (CNS). Diverse cell recognition molecules, such as classic cadherins (Cdhs), are part of the molecular machinery mediating synaptic choices during development and synaptic maintenance. Yet, the principles governing neuron–neuron wiring across diverse CNS neuron types remain largely unknown...Continue Reading Here

Angela C. Matcham, Kenichi Toma, Nicole Y. Tsai, Christina J. Sze, Pin-Yeh Lin, Ilaria F. Stewart, Xin Duan. Journal of Neuroscience 31 January 2024, 44 (5) e1310232023; DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1310-23.2023

Hindbrain modules differentially transform activity of single collicular neurons to coordinate movements

Abstract: Seemingly simple behaviors such as swatting a mosquito or glancing at a signpost involve the precise coordination of multiple body parts. Neural control of coordinated movements is widely thought to entail transforming a desired overall displacement into displacements for each body part. Here we reveal a different logic implemented in the mouse gaze system... Continue Reading Here

Zahler SH, Taylor DE, Wright BS, Wong JY, Shvareva VA, Park YA, Feinberg EH. Hindbrain modules differentially transform activity of single collicular neurons to coordinate movements. Cell. 2023 Jul 6;186(14):3062-3078.e20. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2023.05.031. Epub 2023 Jun 20. PMID: 37343561; PMCID: PMC10424787.


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